NHK BSプレミアム "Sweet Hirado/東西百菓之図" 再放送のご案内
2019年1月25日(金)10:30 〜10:56NHK BSプレミアムにて『Sweet Hirado/東西百菓之図』が再放送されます。
Sweet Hirado/東西百菓之図、これは400年の時を超え続く物語。
約400年前西から東へと海を越えて届いた菓子文化。今世紀新たな解釈にて融合し東から西へと帆をあげます。九州の西の端、平戸は海に囲まれその立地から異国の文化の到着地でした。 かつてここでオランダをはじめとする異国の人々が100年間自由に暮らしていました。この平戸の持つ歴史的コンテクストから長いお付き合いのオランダから招いたクリエーターINA-MATT とRoosmarijn Pallandt、平戸の菓子職人、三川内焼職人とともに、新しい平戸菓子文化を創造し世界へと発信します。かつて西から東へと平戸に届いた文化は、東から西へと帆を揚げます・・・
Sweet Hirado, this story has been continuing in 400 years beyond time and space. The culture of sweets that 400 years ago crossed the seas from west to east has been interpreted in this new age transcending both cultures and time and will now travel the seas once again; from east to west. Hirado is an island located at the westernmost tip of Kyushyu. Through it’s strategic location and its connection with the sea it became Japan’s gateway to foreign land.A lot of foreign people such as the Dutch was freely living together in Hirado in 100 years at that time.
Today, 400 years later, the culture of tea and sweets are combined in ‘Sweet Hirado’, a project in which Dutch creators, INA-MATT and Roosmarijn Pallandt were invited to Hirado to work with the craftsmen of local sweetshops and porcelain. Together they created a new chapter to the unique Hirado sweet culture which will be presented to the world.
Just as western sweet culture was introduced to the east, Hirado sweet culture will be introduced to the west….
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